A couple of weeks ago, I was watching the news with my mom. A news report came on about how pregnant women are worried that their worrying too much will affect their babies. As the report continued the reporter explained that worrying will not stress or affect the baby. The whole time I was watching, I expected the reporter to say Fetus, and by the end of the report I was surprised that she hadn’t said it once.
I then turned to my mom and said,
When people say the word baby, they have acknowledged that human life. When they say Fetus, they deny that human life and regard it as just a part of the woman, like an organ. Did you know that the word Fetus is a Latin word variously translated “offspring”, “young one”, or “little child”? So if pro-abortionists use the term Fetus, why haven’t they acknowledged that human life?
“It’s funny how when a baby is wanted it’s called a baby, but when it’s unwanted it’s called a Fetus.”
When people say the word baby, they have acknowledged that human life. When they say Fetus, they deny that human life and regard it as just a part of the woman, like an organ. Did you know that the word Fetus is a Latin word variously translated “offspring”, “young one”, or “little child”? So if pro-abortionists use the term Fetus, why haven’t they acknowledged that human life?
I have been raised in a Christian home. Both my dad and my mom are pro-life and I have always been pro-life. I have always known that abortion is aborting a human life for someone else’s convenience.
Clarification: Abort:
1. To fail, cease, or stop at an early or premature stage.
2. To put down or quell in the early stages.
3. To cause to cease or end at an early or premature stage.
4. To develop incompletely; remain in a rudimentary or undeveloped state.
5. To cause to bring forth (a fetus) from the uterus before the fetus is viable.
Random House Webster’s Unabridged Talking Dictionary
1. To cause or to end prematurely
2. To cause abortion of.
Oxford American Dictionary
Last year I went through a science book that listed and explained some abortion procedures. As I read each procedure, I was so horrified, disgusted, and so deeply saddened, I wept. But that was just a glimpse at the world of abortion. The book, Why Pro Life? by Randy Alcorn opened my eyes even more on abortion not only in the scientific way, but the spiritual way as well.