Thursday, November 01, 2007

Places in the World I would like to go to…

Some of the places in the world I would like to go to someday are:


Because Australians are cool (and I love their accents!)


The Sydney Opera House in Australia boasts the largest display of fireworks on New Year's Eve.


China ...

Because I like China


Beautiful China



Because it would be neat to visit the palace of Versailles and other places

Eiffel Tower at dusk



Because I’m learning German

Unter der Linde, East Berlin, Germany



Because I’m reading ancient Greek and Roman mythology and it would be neat to visit some of the places I’m reading about

The Parthenon in Athens, Greece



Because the Irish are cool

Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland



Because it would be really neat to visit Jerusalem and to walk where Jesus walked 2000 years ago

Golden Gate, Jerusalem, Israel



Because I’m still studying ancient Greek and Roman mythology

Ruins of Pompeii, Italy, damaged by an earthquake in AD 63 and totally covered in AD 79 by the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius



Because I love Japan!!!!!!

The Portland Japanese Garden


New Zealand...

Because you wouldn’t want to leave New Zealand out, now would you? Besides, I hear it’s pretty this time of year.

East Cape Island, New Zealand



Because Russians are awesome, and I love the language!

Early morning street scene, Moscow


South Korea...
Because I love Korea!!!!!!

Confucian monastery, Seoul, South Korea


United Kingdom...

Because British accents are cool and it would be a neat place to visit.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK

Wales, UK

Isle of Wight, UK



Because I love Vietnam!!!

Cu Chi tunnels, Vietnam

Common mode of transport, Nha Trang, Vietnam

Hoi Anh, Vietnam


Thank you for sharing this journey with me across the world!


(Countries are in alphabetical order)

~~ All pictures are the courtesy of "Webster's Encyclopedia 2005" unless otherwise noted: (e.g: * ) ~~

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