Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Shirley Temple Portrait series (Part IV "Dimples")

Here is the last portrait in this series. So far, this is the best picture I have ever drawn in my life, and that is very encouraging because I had not drawn anything for months when I drew it.

Since there were so many choices, I asked my mom to help pick which doll that I should draw and she suggested the “Dimples” Shirley doll because of the shading techniques and the 3D look. It turned out great – thanks mom! :)

This drawing has rekindled the love I have for drawing, and I am looking forward to drawing many more pictures of the adorable Shirley Temple and others!

Read: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Monday, July 09, 2007

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Shirley Temple Portrait series (Part II "The Little Princess")

This is my second drawn portrait of Shirley Temple. I'm sorry that it was drawn on lined writing paper, but I have learned my lesson from that.

After I drew this I thought that no other drawing that I drew could ever compare to this. It was however, was put to shame by my latest drawing, which I believe is the best drawing I have ever done in my life. It will be posted in the next two days.

Read: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Shirley Temple Portrait series (Part I "The Littlest Grand Marshal")

I have always had a fascination with Shirley Temple. Whenever I would go over to my grandparent's house when I was younger, I would always watch at least one of the many Shirley Temple movies my grandma had in her collection. I believe my favorite Shirley Temple movie is "Little Miss Marker", which is about how Shirley melts the hearts of a gang of hardened gamblers when she is left as an IOU or "marker" for debt. It is very comical and Shirley was as cute as ever.

A few years ago, my grandma got me a porcelain doll of Shirley Temple. The doll was fashioned after a portrait of Shirley when she was appointed as Grand Marshal of the 50th annual Rose Parade in 1939. I loved (and still love) the doll so much and I drew a small portrait of it in my journal (Above picture).

Knowing that I had such a fascination with Shirley Temple, my grandma later sent me many brochures of Shirley Temple porcelain dolls by the "Danbury Mint". Each brochure featured an absolutely adorable and incredibly life-like porcelain doll of Shirley. These portraits inspired me to capture what the doll artists had captured in the form of drawn portraits. So far I have drawn four portraits (including the above picture), and I have taken pleasure in drawing and capturing every detail in each one. My other later drawings are much, much better than the first one I drew (above), so please don't think I'm just blabbering on about nothing. ;)

I will consecutively post more of my portraits over the next upcoming days. Stay Tuned!

Read: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

July 4, 2007: the 231st anniversary of our nation’s independence.